Friday, March 15, 2019

Tableau Performance Tips [14 Dashboard Performance Tricks]

Dashboard performance is something many people don’t talk about but its very important. As developers, we are creating these dashboards for end users so the end user experience is crucial. The last thing an end user wants to do is to sit there waiting for things to load every time they do something. They will probably just give up and start scrolling through Facebook. Then you spent all that time creating a dashboard that no one can or will use. If you ever run into this problem then follow these performance tips to get your dashboard running smoothly. More details about tableau consulting feel free to visit –

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Downgrade Tableau Desktop to Older Version in Tableau 9.x [Outdated

Sometimes people don’t upgrade their desktop versions of the Tableau software as quickly as others. This video will explain how to downgrade Tableau desktop to an older version. If they are using an older version of Tableau, they are not able to open the newer Tableau files that are sent to them. This video will explain how to downgrade Tableau desktop so you can avoid this problem. More details feel free to visit -

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Tableau Group vs Set [What's the Difference between Tableau's Sets and Groups?]

This video will explain the differences between Tableau Groups and Sets. They are both very similar and so examples of both will be shown in Tableau. Tableau groups are a simpler version of a Tableau set. A Tableau group is one dimensional while Tableau sets can have conditions and can be grouped across multiple dimensions. In this video, we will create a region by grouping states and will show examples of a constant set, dynamic set and how to join two sets to make a combined set. For more details about tableau consulting services feel free to visit -